
Long Weekend, Some Progress

I did end up buying some tools.  A shopvac, and an air-compressor.  The air-compressor I wanted was made in China, so I ended up getting a smaller model from Home Depot (assembled in the USA).  Hopefully it lasts.

Filled up the tires with air, so I can roll it out easier for when the garage mat comes in the post.  Then did a little bit of heavy lifting.

First, I drained the radiator.  There's a drain spigot on the bottom driver's side of the radiator.
And note, there is more than 2 gallons of fluid in there, so prepare accordingly.  Then I removed the radiator, cowl, the fan, the alternator and the spark plug wires and distributor cap.
After the radiator was out, I drained the oil.

Next I tried to remove the exhaust.  Tried being the operative word there.  Everything from the collectors back was pretty easy (the mufflers and such).  But on the passenger side, I couldn't really access the last bolt that holds the header on because of the damned AC unit.  The drivers side wasn't much better, although I got all the bolts off I couldn't get the headers out by dropping them through the bottom of the engine bay, or by lifting them through the top.  I can't seem to jack my car high enough to allow for enough clearance to get them out.
Wedged in there.
So, if I can figure out how to undo that last bolt, then remove the fuel line and the metal radiator lines, I think the engine will be attached to the car through the tranny and the engine bolts, nearly ready to be lifted out.

Next week, try to get the headers out of there, and maybe drain the transmission fluid.  Oh and dispose/recycle the fluids from this week.

For fun here's a picture of the removed parts of exhaust sitting in the corner of my garage.
Note the nice new shop vac.

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